portfolio of an aesthete a.

aes•thete 🍵 (n.) 
1. one who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature. 

Social Media Marketing Posts

Social Media Marketing Posts

Social Media Marketing Posts

Visual Rhetoric & Document Design Flyer.png

Visual Rhetoric & Document Design Informative Flyer

Visual Rhetoric is all around us. As visual creatures we rely on cues, motifs, & symbols to process information about our world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. In the class we learned the importance of typography, hierarchy, and visual rhetoric.

Prospective Design Students at SFSU Project

For my final project I had for my Visual Communication Design Class I created flyers and infographics that demonstrate the scope of the Visual Communication Design Program.

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Welcome to the Visual Communications Design Program

I am immensely satisified and proud to take part of the Design school at San Francisco State.

Ae’s the Tea

Tea has been one of my favorite mediums and motifs. Tea represents cultural history, connectivity, longevity.

The Aesthetics of Typography

“Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?” Whether it be colors of tea or colors of the world, I believe every hue and complexion should be seen as a masterpiece and feel included as a mosaic. Intuitive typography, inspiring graphics, & insight of users is a recipe to brew diversity and colorful dept.


Potential Careers for Visual Design

I’ve been researching about the vast careers in the field of Visual Communication Design. The field has many aspects that relates to creatives. I admire that human centered design integrates psychology, aesthetics, and technology.

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